
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Maneschijn / Moonshine

Morgenochtend zal het anders zijn
Anders dan in de stilte van de nacht
Nachtelijke wandelingen in het licht
Eerlijke fluisteringen van mooie woorden
Stereotiepe wezens van gouden schijn
Crashend op de rede van het verstand
Handige leugens om het echte te vergeten
Immer nooit genoeg aan het ware leven
Jeugdig in mijn gedachten bestaan
Niet veel mooiers kan ik hen geven


Tomorrow morning, it will be different.
Different than the silence of the stars.
Nocturnal walks in the light.
Fair whispers of beautiful words.
Stereotype creatures of golden shine.
Chrashing on the reason of the mind.
Clever lies to forget the reality.
Youthful living in my thoughts.
Not much better can I give them.

Monday, February 7, 2011



Which music do I like?
Well, here's an artist I like:
Twin Shadow.

Almost no one knows who he is, and if they listen to him,
They don't like him!

But I like his voice and the lyrics.

Here's one of his songs I like: 
Twin Shadow - Tyrant Destroyer

Hope you like him too!




Books. I've always read books, since I was three or something.
I still read books, and I still like it.
Here's a list of books I've read and I want to read:

  • The Count of Montecristo - Alexandre Dumas
  • The Killer's Tears - Anne-Laure Bondoux
  • Faints - Floortje Zwigtman 
  • Game against (?) - Floortje Zwigtman
  • Morgawr - Terry Brooks
  • The Gypsy Morph - Terry Brooks 
  • The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
  • The Gospel According to Larry - Janet Tashjian 
  • Nothing - Janne Teller 

Did someone of you read some of these?
Please comment,

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Again a poem. (3rd)


Again a poem. I wrote this one when I finished one of my exams.
I felt a little bored, and I started to write this: 

You can hide yourself
In mad happiness.
But I will know how you really feel.
You can cloth yourself in pity and tears.
But I will cheer you up.
You can put on a mask
And play someone else.
But I will recognise you.
You can pretend to be old and wise,
But I will remember
How young and foolish you were.
You can be my worsst enemy.
But I will see the days we were friends
Before my eyes.
You can act the part
and be someone else.
But I will say: 'It's you.'
You can go everywhere you like,
But I will find you.

You can do all these things together,
But I will always see your real face.

I hope you enjoyed it.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Another poem for you.

I have another poem for you. This time, it's in my original language, Dutch.
For those of you who don't speak it,
There's also a translation.
The first letters of it, should made a word, but of course you don't see that in the translation.
The word should be 'deathmist', 'dodenmist', in Dutch.

Daar ligt het
Onder de hemel
Deken van sterren
Eenzaam, verborgen
Niemand weet het nog
Maar het gevaar is ‘s nachts
In de donkerte van de schaduwen
Stil, sluipend afgrijzen
Tonend aan de slachtoffers alleen

There it lies
Under the heaven
Blanket of stars
Lonely, hidden
No one still knows
But the danger is at night
In the darkness of the shadows
Silent, insidious horror
Facing to the victims only 

This poem I wrote for 'poemday', for my school.
The theme was night, so I hope you get the feeling behind it. 
We didn't used that one to work out, but I always liked this one most. 

Hope you enjoyed it.


A poem for you.

Yes, this time it's one in English.
Don't be very hard against me, 
because this was my very first poem.

The other doesn't like you.
You know.
The other just prefers you above me.
You know.
I don't like it.
You know.
I will not say anything about it, but it hurts.
You know.
I will not ask you to leave the other.
You know.
I will not let you choose.
You know.
Just because I have nothing to rely on.
You know.
You are the only one I have.
You know.
You mean very much to me.
But do I mean enough to you?

So, this is it. It was about something in my life, I didn't felt very good with my friends, because they met someone else where they dealt with and I didn't likes that person first. 

Hope you've enjoyed it.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

First read this.


I think I'm gonna start overnew.
I hope it will be a little better.
And, euhm, not in English, because I'm not that good at it.
If you don't understand, there's something like this:
The language is Dutch. 

Twin Shadow - Castles in the Snow