
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Again a poem. (3rd)


Again a poem. I wrote this one when I finished one of my exams.
I felt a little bored, and I started to write this: 

You can hide yourself
In mad happiness.
But I will know how you really feel.
You can cloth yourself in pity and tears.
But I will cheer you up.
You can put on a mask
And play someone else.
But I will recognise you.
You can pretend to be old and wise,
But I will remember
How young and foolish you were.
You can be my worsst enemy.
But I will see the days we were friends
Before my eyes.
You can act the part
and be someone else.
But I will say: 'It's you.'
You can go everywhere you like,
But I will find you.

You can do all these things together,
But I will always see your real face.

I hope you enjoyed it.


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